

I’m Anubhab Karki, and I’m a software engineer.

little about me

As a dedicated software engineer with three years of industry experience, my expertise spans various aspects of software development. My passion for computer science drives continuous skill improvement.

Currently, I am a software engineer at Nine Entertainment, Australia's leading media company. Here, I manage multiple projects, leveraging my skills in a dynamic corporate setting.


  • React.js
  • Typescript
  • Next.js
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Java
  • Python
  • PostgreSQL
  • Figma
  • GraphQL
  • CSS
  • Docker

Early Projects

Movie Compare

A movie comparing app made using javaScript which fetches data from a movie API. It compares between two movies, according to their ratings, and provides the result. I have used OMDB Api, to fetch the data. I dsigned this webpage using Bulma CSS.

See project >>


This app is made using Next.js and MongoDB. Users can fill up the form and on submit, that data is stored in the MongoDB online database and is also fetched and posted on the homepage in real- time. I learned how to store the data on cloud database which was very exciting.

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Get Photos

I used React for this project and Material-UI for the design. I have also used Api of Unsplash from where I fetch the photos and display them. Material-ui can be really helpful in designing, and it provides a big components library.

See project >>

Wiki Search

Made this project using React, it takes users search query, and then calls an wikipedia API to fetch data. After the results are fetched, it then returns styled divs with the results.

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